My project structure looks like this:
+---module1 (war)
+---module2 (jar)
I want the dist module to package the war from module1 with an instance of Tomcat and zip it all up so that I can deploy it by unzipping on the server.
I know about plugins that create runnable wars and embedded tomcat that starts from a jar but I want the whole Tomcat in a zip with my war in the webapps dir.
I could potentially do it by hand with the assembly plugin but the cargo plugin seems like it should do what I want.
My dist pom looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!--containerId must be equal to one of the containers supported by Cargo -->
First of all it seems strange that I have to specify the home dir when I am using the artifact installer.
Second, the output structure looks like this:
| \---target
| +---cargo
| | \---installs
| | \---tomcat-8.0.24
| | \---apache-tomcat-8.0.24
| | +---bin
| | +---conf
| | ..........
| | ..........
| |
| \---package
| +---apache-tomcat-8.0.24
| | +---bin
| | +---conf
| | ..........
| | ..........
| +---bin
| +---lib
| \---temp
Note how the tomcat dir is a sub-dir of package but there is already a stub of the tomcat dir the package dir.
Third and most importantly, my war isn't anywhere in the dist/target dir!
I'm not sure where that extra dir was coming from but it has resolved now. I think I might have been running package from the dist module instead of the root module which is why the war wasn't there.
The following sample works for me then I add the maven assembly plugin to zip it up.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!--Create a war-->
<!--This is an empty demo project-->
<!--Create the Tomcat bundle with our war in it-->
<!--containerId must be equal to one of the containers supported by Cargo -->