This gives a list containing the path of every root to leaf:
def binaryTreePaths(self, root):
from collections import deque
if root is None:
return []
queue = deque( [ [root, str(root.val)] ] )
ans = []
while queue:
front, path = queue.popleft()
if front.left is None and front.right is None:
ans += path,
if front.left:
queue += [front.left, path + "->" + str(front.left.val)],
if front.right:
queue += [front.right, path + "->" + str(front.right.val)],
return ans
I don't understand how this works because say we have a tree that's 1-2-3 (node 1 has both left and right child). At the first line after the while loop, when you popleft it, queue is deque ([ ]) again. Since front is node1 and front.left exists (since node1 has a left child), we append front.left, and a string to the queue again.
So then the queue is deque([node2, "stringhere"]). Then we hit the third if statement: since node1 does have a right child (node3), we add to queue again so then queue becomes deque([node2, "stringhere", node3, "anotherstring"]).
Then we go back and hit the while loop; since queue is not empty, we have:
front, path = queue.popleft()
where our queue is deque([node2, "stringhere", ndoe3, "anotherstring"]) but it's not possible to call front, path on this because there are 4 arguments in the queue.
What am I not getting?
You are missing the ,
at the end of the line, which makes the item being added to the queue a tuple
The normal way is to use the append
if front.left:
queue.append([front.left, path + "->" + str(front.left.val)])
if front.right:
queue.append([front.right, path + "->" + str(front.right.val)])
For bonus points, use str.format
if front.left:
queue.append([front.left, "{}->{}".format(path, front.left.val)])
if front.right:
queue.append([front.right, "{}->{}".format(path, front.right.val)])
and remove the duplication of code in the appending
for node in (front.left, front.right):
if node:
queue.append([node, "{}->{}".format(path, node.val)])