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What is the difference between "package" and "module" in Frege?

Hi I've been playing a little bit with Frege and I just noticed in some examples that package and module are used interchangeably:

package MyModuleOne where

and sometimes:

module MyModuleTwo where

When importing from one or the other I don't see any difference in the behavior of my program. Is there something I should keep in mind when using package or module keywords ?


  • Yes. It used to start out with package, but later I realized this was an obstacle when porting Haskell code which uses module. Hence I added module, and thus currently module and package are the same keyword, just spelled differently.

    But the intention is, of course, to retire package sooner or later. So my advice would be to use module only.

    (This reminds me that I probably have to update the lang spec with regard to this. Never mind.)