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redis timeout with predis

I'm using redis with php (predis at and am experiencing frequent timeout. The stack trace shows:

[04-Apr-2010 03:39:50] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Predis_ClientException' with message 'Connection timed out' in redis.php:697
Stack trace:
#0 redis.php(757): Predis_Connection->connect()
#1 redis.php(729): Predis_Connection->getSocket()
#2 redis.php(825): Predis_Connection->writeCommand(Object(Predis_Commands_ListRange))
#3 redis.php(165): Predis_ConnectionCluster->writeCommand(Object(Predis_Commands_ListRange))
#4 redis.php(173): Predis_Client->executeCommandInternal(Object(Predis_ConnectionCluster), Object(Predis_Commands_ListRange))
#5 redis.php(157): Predis_Client->executeCommand(Object(Predis_Commands_ListRange))
#6 [internal function]: Predis_Client->__call('lrange', Array)

This happens consistently and I have no idea why. Anyone has any idea?


  • I think this is because of idle connections are getting closed by default by Redis.


    # Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
    timeout 0