I wrote a php script, I executed it from mozilla (or chromium) and the first time all is ok (I'm trying to have a voip call with linphonecsh, a virtual phone). But if I execute it a second time, it doesn't work. I must reboot the virtual machine (ubuntu).. From terminal instead I can execute my script lots of time without problem. Any suggestion? PHP Script:
$output1=shell_exec ("linphonecsh init");
echo "INIT done<br>";
$output2=shell_exec ("linphonecsh register --host sip:sip.linphone.org --username
sip:matpc --password 123123");
echo "REGISTRATION done<br>";
$a= shell_exec("linphonecsh status register");
echo $a;
echo "<br>";
$output=shell_exec ("linphonecsh dial sip:[email protected]");
echo $output;
had to kill the active linphonec process with command pkill