I try to use rClr. I found out how to give "normal" (the basic types) parameters into a clr function. i'am also able to retrive "normal" values from the function.
The problem:
bringing many data e.g. a dataframe (with many entries per frame) into a c#-function.
Sampledataframe for a parameter
namerecord1 <- data.frame(id=1, name='A', lastname="a", coordinate=1.23456)
namerecord2 <- data.frame(id=2, name='B', lastname="b", coordinate=2.4560789)
argument <- rbind(namerecord1, namerecord2)
retrieving an array of coustumclasses from the function
Samplecode c# for the returnvalue
List<NameRecord> tmpResult = new List<NameRecord>(3);
tmpResult.Add(new NameRecord { Name = "ASDF", LastName = "asdf", Id = 1, DoubleValue = 1.456789 });
tmpResult.Add(new NameRecord { Name = "QWER", LastName = "qwer", Id = 2, DoubleValue = 2.456789 });
tmpResult.Add(new NameRecord { Name = "YXCV", LastName = "yxcv", Id = 3, DoubleValue = 3.456789 });
return tmpResult.ToArray();
What i tried
result <- clrCall(object, 'SetArgument', argument)
but in the given parameter is only an object -Array with four null values.
And at retrieving i get an object which looks really complicated. Maybe there is a way to transform it in a dataframe someway?
Here a solution that show to get/set complex data structures between R
and c#
using rClr
The c#
code contains:
that returns an array of NameRecord
that gets muti parameters as array to set NamedRecord
objects and returns an array of NameRecord
.The R
objects to a data.frame.SetObjects
and GetObjects
already defined in the c#
f <- file.path(path_to_net_dll,"ClassLibrary1.dll")
obj <- clrNew("ClassLibrary1.Class1")
## This the most important and difficult part of the code
rclr2R_obj <-
fields <- c("DoubleValue" ,"Id","LastName","Name" )
fields_to_DF <- function(x)
new_data_frame <- rclr2R_obj(clrCall(obj,"GetObjects"))
# DoubleValue Id LastName Name
# 1 1.456789 1 asdf ASDF
# 2 2.456789 2 qwer QWER
# 3 3.456789 3 yxcv YXCV
names <- letters[1:4]
lnames <- LETTERS[1:4]
ids <- as.integer(1:4)
vals <- as.numeric(runif(4))
res <- clrCall(obj,"SetObjects",names,lnames,ids,vals)
new_data_frame <- rclr2R_obj(res)
# DoubleValue Id LastName Name
# 1 0.90695438 1 A a
# 2 0.28337886 2 B b
# 3 0.99027692 3 C c
# 4 0.05794843 4 D d
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class Class1
// a simple c# class
public class NameRecord
public string Name;
public string LastName;
public int Id;
public double DoubleValue;
public NameRecord[] GetObjects()
List<NameRecord> tmpResult = new List<NameRecord>(3);
tmpResult.Add(new NameRecord { Name = "ASDF", LastName = "asdf", Id = 1, DoubleValue = 1.456789 });
tmpResult.Add(new NameRecord { Name = "QWER", LastName = "qwer", Id = 2, DoubleValue = 2.456789 });
tmpResult.Add(new NameRecord { Name = "YXCV", LastName = "yxcv", Id = 3, DoubleValue = 3.456789 });
return tmpResult.ToArray();
public NameRecord[] SetObjects(string[] names,string[] lnames,int[] ids,double[] vals)
List<NameRecord> tmpResult = new List<NameRecord>();
for (var i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
tmpResult.Add(new NameRecord {
Name = names[i],
LastName = lnames[i],
Id = ids[i],
DoubleValue = vals[i]
return tmpResult.ToArray();