I have problems with notifications on zabbix to telegram messenger. So, I specified different guides for that. But not successful.
For example I use this guides
This solutions works for bash. But I can send this from zabbix.
export to=$1;
export subject=$2;
export body=$3;
cd ${tgpath}
(sleep 5; echo "msg $to $subject $body"; echo "safe_quit") |
${tgpath}/telegram-cli -k /etc/telegram-cli/mykey.pub -W
Key telegram-cli -e
does not work correctly with a login name and with format user#XXXXXX;
I dont want to use some API to send message.
Thank you for any help.
Your script is not equal to the blog post.
The steps are:
0 - Compile
cd /usr/src
git clone --recursive https://github.com/vysheng/tg.git
cd tg
mkdir viacron
cp bin/telegram-cli viacron/
cp tg-server.pub viacron/
cd viacron
1 - Create a file /usr/src/tg/viacron/telegram.config
an put this:
default_profile = "viacron";
viacron = {
config_directory = "/usr/src/tg/viacron/";
2 - Create a file /usr/src/tg/viacron/telegram.config
an put this:
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Error to enter in the main directory"
exit 1
./telegram-cli -k tg-server.pub -c telegram.config -WR -e "msg $USER $SUBJECT" || exit 1
exit 0
3 - Change permissions:
chmod +x /usr/src/tg/viacron/telegram_standalone.sh
chown -R yourUser: /usr/src/tg/
4 - Test:
/usr/src/tg/viacron/telegram_standalone.sh user#12345 "GNU is not unix"
5 - Put AlertScriptsPath=/usr/src/tg/viacron/
in zabbix_server.conf
and restart the server
6 - In zabbix, add new media type with name telegram_standalone.sh
More information in https://gist.github.com/gnumoksha/a95f237d82733ce1f748 and http://tobias.ws/blog/zabbix-com-notificacoes-pelo-telegram/