I used linum-mode
to show the line number in emacs. Thing changed, however, after I started using git-gutter+
. The official doc of git-gutter+
says that git-gutter+
can not cooperate with linum-mode
I think now have two choices: 1) give up linum-mode
, 2) give up git-gutter+
. I feel OK no matter which one is replaced as long as these two function works properly.
Show me some hints. Thx.
Actually, I run emacs in terminal with -nw
AFAIK, diff-hl
(available in your friendly GNU ELPA archive) works fine with both nlinum-mode
and linum-mode
, except when they both use the same margin (so you'll want to set diff-hl to either not use the margin, or to use the other margin).