I'm using some action script 3 to put some text in a texfield. Everything is alright, except that all the apostrohpies doesn't show up.
Here is my code:
_descriptionTXT.text = _source.description;
Insted of displaying 'I'm a description', it will show 'Im a description'
I check that the texte that I'm trying to put in textfield does have apostrophie and, yes, the texte inside _source.description
really is 'I'm a description'.
I checked with flash develop by putting a break point, but if y try to trace the text, it replace the apostrophies with spaces?????????????
What is going on!
Will have to hazard a guess that you are populating a input textfield and not a dynamic textfield? You need to make sure all fonts used are embedded if they are going to be used with input textfields. Many questions like this have been answered before: http://flashdevelop.org/community/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=9411. Hope this helps you out.