Title pretty much sums it up, if I comment my file like so:
* @ngdoc method
* @name processData.getProcessCategories
* @module bpui
* @description Gets the processes from the API
* @returns {HttpPromise}
I get the following error:
Error: Failed to render - doc "method:processData.getProcessCategories" (method) - from file "../app/services/process.data.js" - starting at line 33,
ending at line 40
Original Error:
Error: No template found./nThe following template patterns were tried:
When looking through the folder where the templates are stored, I don't see it in there. I just installed dgeni, and degeni-packages. I can paste my conf file if necessary. I'm not running through grunt/gulp I'm running it via the command line.
So the issue was that the @name
should of been this: processData#getProcessCategories
The documentation didn't specify that directly.