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IBM BPM 8.5.6 Suspend task

Is it possible to suspend a task via process portal in IBM BPM 8.5.6. In the 6.2 version we were able to do this via inbox or saved searches. However the new saved searches doesn't support this? Is there a way to do this?


  • In v8.5 there is nothing like suspending a task from process portal. Although we can suspend a task from Admin Console . Moreover if you want to suspend it from process portal , you can try the below way:

    1. create a HS , having a text box for accepting PID of the process.
    2. Use JS API , to suspend the Task for the provided PID.

      var id = ;
      tw.system.findProcessInstanceByID(id).suspend() ;
    3. Expose this human service as a Startable Service to the intented users.

    4. provide the PID which you want to suspend .