I have been struggling with something I hope to be a simple question. I would like to output values (String / Real / Stringlist) from Spotfire to a text file on my computer. My final solution would need document properties to be listed and saved, but for now let's use a working script from stackoverflow: Is it possible to use IronPython to return the path of the current *.dxp project as a string?
Two variables: path and analysis are 'printed'. How can I print those to a text file?
Something similar is done here: http://spotfired.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/export-image-from-visualization.html where a .bmp image is created.
Many thanks,
writing to a file isn't unique to IronPython; the Python docs go over this fairly well. in any case:
f = open('c:\\filename.txt', 'w')
my_list = ['one','two','three']
for item in my_list:
f.write(item) # write the item's content
f.write('\n') # add a line break (optional)
will do you fine.
IronPython is a derivative of regular Python that can interact with .NET APIs such as Spotfire's API. thus, you can typically find non-Spotfire-specific solutions by looking at Python resources.