I need Anti-alias
edge of my turned rectangle more than normally.
My code is like this:
<Rectangle Margin="20,20,147,135" Fill="#FFCAD2DE" RenderOptions.EdgeMode="Unspecified">
<DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="4" ShadowDepth="2" Opacity=".5"/>
<RotateTransform CenterX="0" CenterY="0" Angle="6" />
I change the angle slowly programmatically...
But the result is aliased in some angles like below image (left side). I want edge of my rectangle be fully smooth in all angles like the below image (right side).
I use .NET 3.5
The following steps can help
First i moved my project from .NET 3.5 to .Net 4.5 without any changes in it and the result was:
It looks like very smoother
Layout Rounding
What is
Layout Rounding
and how to use it in WPF 4When an object edge falls in the middle of a pixel device, the DPI-independent graphics system can create rendering artifacts, such as blurry or semi-transparent edges.
Previous versions of WPF included pixel snapping to help handle this case. Silverlight 2 introduced layout rounding, which is another way to move elements so that edges fall on whole pixel boundaries.
WPF now supports layout rounding with the
attached property onFrameworkElement
. Drawing objects on pixel boundaries eliminates the semi-transparent edges that are produced by anti-aliasing, when an edge falls in the middle of a device pixel. When you use layout rounding, the layout system creates small variations in the column or row measurements to avoid sub-pixel rendering.
The following code uses UseLayoutRounding
attached property set on a single pixel-width line. You can see the difference that layout rounding makes when you resize the window slowly.
<StackPanel Width="150" Margin="7" Orientation="Horizontal">
<!-- Single pixel line with layout rounding turned OFF.-->
<Rectangle UseLayoutRounding="False" Width="45.6" Margin="10" Height="1" Fill="Red"/>
<!-- Single pixel line with layout rounding turned ON.-->
<Rectangle UseLayoutRounding="True" Width="45.6" Margin="10" Height="1" Fill="Red"/>
You should set
to true on the root element. The layout system adds child coordinates to the parent coordinates; therefore, if the parent coordinates are not on a pixel boundary, the child coordinates are also not on a pixel boundary.If
cannot be set at the root, setSnapsToDevicePixels
on the child to obtain the effect that you want.