Is it possible to get the associated FbxNode
from the enum ENodeId ?
for example if i want to get the FbxNode from the Character::eLeftHand
I tried to use Character::GetCharacterLink(ENodeId, FbxCharacterLink)
then extracting the FbxNode from FbxCharacterLink
simply by calling FbxCharacterLink::mNode
However this function returns for most ENodeIds False, so no FbxCharacterLink
is created.
character = myScene.GetCharacter(0)
lefthand = character.eLeftHand
lefthand_node = FbxCharacterLink()
character.GetCharacterLink(lefthand, lefthand_node) # False
lefthand_node = lefthand_node.mNode
when I was scripting inside Motionbuilder using Python and Pyfbxsdk
, it was very easy, no matter how the skeleton objects are named, I can get the FBXObject
of it
m = character.GetModel(self.BodyNodeObject[o])
and BodyNodeObject
is generated with
def BodyNodes(self):
for i in dir(FBBodyNodeId):
if i[0] == 'k':
self.BodyNodeObject[BodyNodesId[i]] = getattr(FBBodyNodeId, i)
is simply a dictionary
BodyNodesId = OrderedDict({
this worked for me
from fbx import *
for i in range(myscene.GetCharacterCount()):
character = myscene.GetCharacter(i)
node = character.eHips
link = FbxCharacterLink()
while (character.GetCharacterLink(node, link)):
print node, link.mNode.GetName()
node = character.ENodeId(int(node+1))