I have a UIView (mainview), including 50 UIImageViews (image1 .. 50))
(all are set to clickable (UIVIEW and also UIImageViews)
Now to test if one of my images is touched I do in 'touchesbegan':
touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
if ([touch view] == image1) { NSLog (@"image1 clicked"); }
But when i test on if my "mainview" (where all images are in) came clicked with:
if ([touch view] == mainview) { NSLog (@"mainview clicked");}
I dont get an confirmation!??
In Short: When mainview alone is clickable i get an OK if clicked But when I activated all images (in the mainview) to be clickable .. I just can check if they are clicked but not anymore my mainview.
Any ideas?? Thx Chris
That’s because the buttons take the touch. When a touch occurs, it goes up the responder chain until something responds to it—in this case, your buttons. Check out the touch section of the Event Handling Guide for iPhone OS.