Is there or is there ever going to be an equivalent of Array.prototype.splice
for TypedArrays?
I want to be able to delete a range of items from a TypedArray.
So TypedArrays in ES6 are not classical Javascript arrays, but closer to an API for a underlying binary buffer (
Since splice
mutates the actual length of array it isn't usable with TypedArrays (
You can create similar behavior by creating your own splice (although it will be slower).
This is a simple equivalent except that it doesn't account for all nuances of `splice. As @bergi commented, I don't allow negative values.
function splice(arr, starting, deleteCount, elements) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return arr;
starting = Math.max(starting, 0);
deleteCount = Math.max(deleteCount, 0);
elements = elements || [];
const newSize = arr.length - deleteCount + elements.length;
const splicedArray = new arr.constructor(newSize);
splicedArray.set(arr.subarray(0, starting));
splicedArray.set(elements, starting);
splicedArray.set(arr.subarray(starting + deleteCount), starting + elements.length);
return splicedArray;
splice(new Uint8Array([1,2,3]), 0, 1); // returns Uint8Array([1,3])