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Submitting App from building in Xcode 6.4

I previously built my app in an Xcode 7 beta as my testing device is an iOS 9.0 device. I recently deleted Xcode 7 and began working on my app in Xcode 6.4 (not a beta). 6.4 does not support iOS 9 but my iPhone on an iOS 9 Beta is not uneligible (as it should because 6.4 doesn't support 9.0). Are there some files I can remove so that my device is ineligible? I believe once I fix this problem, I can finally submit a new build for review to iTunes Connect because I shouldn't get this error message when submitting my app:

New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public (GM) versions of Xcode 6 or higher and iOS 8 SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software for store review.

Also, my app is not written in Swift so I cannot do the Swift 2.0 conversion to Swift 1.2.


  • Apps that you submit should be developed using the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store and should be built for publicly available versions of iOS, OS X, and watchOS — except when GM seeds are available. Now Mac App Store's Xcode is 6.4 and OS X Yosemite is Build 14F27. If you user xcode 6.4 on OS X El Capitan, you should follow the steps:

    1. Using Xcode, then archive your project
    2. Open organizer, find your .xcarchive file find .xcarchive file
    3. Right click the xcarchive file, choose [Show package Contents]
    4. Find Products/Applications/
    5. then change [BuildMachineOSBuild] value to 14F27, just like this: example
    6. Now, you can go to Xcode->organizer, then 【Submit to App Store】