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Get Thumbnail in Vimeo

Is there any way to get the thumbnail from server side call?

The only method that I researched is:

$.getJSON('' + vimeoVideoId + '.json?callback=?', { format: "json" }, function (data) {
        $(".thumbnail").attr('src', data[0].thumbnail_medium);

Is there a way to make the same call from code behind? or is there a single URL call like in youtube{0}/0.jpg


    1. List item

    I found a way to do this from code behind:

     public static string GetVimeoPreviewImage(string videoId)
         var imageUrl = string.Empty;
             var doc = new XmlDocument();
             doc.Load("" + videoId + ".xml");
             var root = doc.DocumentElement;
             if (root != null)
                 var selectSingleNode = root.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("thumbnail_medium");
                 if (selectSingleNode != null)
                     var vimeoThumb = selectSingleNode.ChildNodes[0].Value;
                     imageUrl = vimeoThumb;
                     return imageUrl;
         catch (Exception ex)
             var message = string.Format("{0} Exception: {1}", typeof(VideoHelper).FullName, ex.Message);
             Log.Error(message, typeof(VideoHelper));
         return imageUrl;