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SQL How to use table variable in Openrowset

I use openrowset to execute OperatorsCalc procedure.

How can I send declared parameters:

  1. @operators (OperatorTableType)

  2. @number (int)

into procedure that is executed by openrowset?

DECLARE @operators OperatorTableType
insert into @operators values ('Mr James')
insert into @operators values ('Mr Johnny')

DECLARE @number int = 3

INTO #MyTempTableForOperators
    OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=apollo;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
               'SET FMTONLY OFF; 
                SET NOCOUNT ON; 
                EXEC servername.dbname.dbo.OperatorsCalc @number @operators') -- I want to sent parameters @operators and @number in here

select * from #MyTempTableForOperators


  • Try to use linked server, but it may fail if there is nested insert into temp.

    CREATE TABLE #temp (...)
    INSERT INTO #temp(...)
    EXECUTE [servername].[dbname].[dbo].[OperatorsCalc] @number @operators;

    Read also How to Share Data between Stored Procedures by Erland Sommarskog. There is good chapter about OPENQUERY.