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Scala - how to define a structural type that refers to itself?

I'm trying to write a generic interpolate method that works on any type that has two methods, a * and a +, like this:

trait Container {
  type V = {
    def *(t: Double): V
    def +(v: V): V

  def interpolate(t: Double, a: V, b: V): V = a * (1.0 - t) + b * t

This doesn't work though (on Scala 2.8.0.RC7), I get the following error messages:

<console>:8: error: recursive method + needs result type
           def +(v: V): V
<console>:7: error: recursive method * needs result type
           def *(t: Double): V

How do I specify the structural type correctly? (Or is there a better way to do this?)


  • Surely you could solve this problem using the typeclasses approach (of e.g. Scalaz):

    trait Multipliable[X] {
      def *(d : Double) : X
    trait Addable[X] {
        def +(x : X) : X
    trait Interpolable[X] extends Multipliable[X] with Addable[X]
    def interpolate[X <% Interpolable[X]](t : Double, a : X, b : X)
        = a * (1.0 - t) + b * t

    Then obviously you would need a (implicit) typeclass conversion in scope for all the types you cared about:

    implicit def int2interpolable(i : Int) = new Interpolable[Int] {
      def *(t : Double) = (i * t).toInt
      def +(j : Int) = i + j

    Then this can be run easily:

    def main(args: Array[String]) {
      import Interpolable._
      val i = 2
      val j : Int = interpolate(i, 4, 5)
      println(j) //prints 6