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Redis - integer list

How do I push integers with lpush in a redis list type? I want to test my finagle-redis client if it works correctly and insert manual sample data into redis like this> rpush key:214 1 1 1
 (integer) 3> LRANGE key:214 0 -1
 1) "1"
 2) "1"
 3) "1"

Redis already displays the numbers as char. When I extract them, I also get chars:

val data: List[ChannelBuffer] = Await.result(redisClient.lRange(key, 0, -1))
val buffer: ChannelBuffer = data(0)
buffer.readChar() // 1
buffer.readInt() // 49

Is writing integers to a list possible with the cli client? And if not, will the following even work?

val key = ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer("listkey", utf8)
val list: List[ChannelBuffer] = List(1,1,1).map { number =>
   val buffer = ChannelBuffers.buffer(4) // int sized buffer

// will this store the int's correctly??
redisClient.lpush(key, list)


  • In redis most everything is a string. This is because of the protocol used. It's text-based, so it's impossible to tell number 1234 from string "1234".

    It might be storing integers internally, but you'll get strings anyway. You should cast your numbers in the app.