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Oracle Spatial-Extracting Individual Rings in a MultiPolygon

In a multipolygon,I need to count how many rings the polygon has,and then individually extract the rings and it's coordinates


  • First, You need to use a function for getting inner polygon count.

        create or replace
    Function GetNumRings( p_geometry  in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                          p_ring_type in integer default 0 /* 0 = ALL; 1 = OUTER; 2 = INNER */ )
      Return Number
       v_ring_count number := 0;
       v_ring_type  number := p_ring_type;
       v_elements   number;
       v_etype      pls_integer;
       If ( p_geometry is null ) Then
          return 0;
       End If;
       If ( p_geometry.sdo_elem_info is null ) Then
          return 0;
       End If;
       If ( v_ring_type not in (0,1,2) ) Then
          v_ring_type := 0;
       End If;
       v_elements := ( ( p_geometry.sdo_elem_info.COUNT / 3 ) - 1 );
       for v_i IN 0 .. v_elements LOOP
         v_etype := p_geometry.sdo_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 2);
         If  ( v_etype in (1003,1005,2003,2005) and 0 = v_ring_type )
          OR ( v_etype in (1003,1005)           and 1 = v_ring_type )
          OR ( v_etype in (2003,2005)           and 2 = v_ring_type ) Then
             v_ring_count := v_ring_count + 1;
         end If;
       end loop element_extraction;
       Return v_ring_count;
    End GetNumRings;

    Ref: GetNumRings Function for Oracle-Spatial

    Then, with this count you will get inner polygons

     FOR i IN 2..countFromFunction
             insert into target_table(geom) 
              select SDO_UTIL.EXTRACT(t.geom,1,i) FROM source_table t;
              exception when others then 
       end loop;

    Loop is started from 2, because 1 will get outer ring.

    Hope this helps.