I create a step of database script which access to SQL Database Service in Workload Scheduler Service. When I run the process, the step encountered the error below.
error message
AWKDBE018E Cannot access required JDBC Driver folder
message information
AWKDBE018E Cannot access required JDBC Driver folder
The job was not able to access a JDBC Driver folder, you might not have enough permissions. System action
The operation is not performed.
Operator response
Verify that you have enough permissions.
This message seems to ask me to grant the proper authority to the job user. But there is no property to specify the job user of Workload Automation Agent. I use a Workload Automation Agent provisioned by Bluemix automatically.
Could you teach me which parameters are needed ?
Database script step information
JDBC driver class path info
I checked the path by the following "ls -lR" command step's log.
it seems to have a problem with the agent, I tried to replicate the same job type but it is not working with the same error message (even using different solutions for jdbc driver path). If you are using the Workload Automation Agent that is created for you then you could open a support ticket to have the Workload team look at that agent.
Edit after having support from service team:
in the jar classpath field for a predefined workload scheduler process you have to put only the path to the directory containing jar files, without putting the jar file name to use.
So, according to current Workload Scheduler documentation, you have to use the following value: /home/wauser/utils
By this way the database script works fine.
(screenshot added)