I set an observer on to catch all polymer recognized events on an property that is an array, but I catch get it to catch the change. In my example below my observer function "bigup" only gets called on when the property, "bigs" is first initialzed.
<dom-module id="parent-page">
<paper-button on-click="updateAll">Update</paper-button>
var temp=[];
is: 'parent-page',
properties: {
bigs: {
type: Array,
value: temp
observers: [
updateAll: function(){
bigup: function(){
console.log('big Up');
I also tried to use bigs.push in the observer but had no success. One part I don't understand is that if I add the following line to my "updateAll" function, the observer catches the change and fires "bigup".
You need to use the push
method from Polymer instead of doing this.bigs.push
So replace that line of code with
this.push('bigs', {'conversation':[{'message':'hola'}]});
For more info have a look at this link.