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How to get data-attribute value of paper-card from on-tap event

The goal is to get the value of the data-id-attribute of the paper-card in the method openForm called from the ontap event.

Neither of the two attempts down work. Here is my code:

<div class="layout horizontal wrap">
    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{itemList}}">
    <paper-card on-tap="openForm" data-id="{{}}">
            <iron-icon class="big" src$="{{setIcon(item)}}"></iron-icon>
            <paper-item-body two-line>
                <div secondary style$="{{color(item.groupColor)}}">{{}}</div>

        is : "my-element",
        openForm: function(e) {
                e.srcElement.getAttribute("data-id"); // does not work
      "data-id"); // neither works
        color: function(c) {
            return "color:" + c;


  • I think the answer you are looking for can be found here: Handling events in dom-repeat templates

    Explains it better than I can, but I guess in short it creates a 'model' accessible to for whichever paper-card sends the event. I think your code will look something along the lines of:

        is : "my-element",
        openForm: function(e) {
                var model = e.model
      , //think this will be the value
        color: function(c) {
            return "color:" + c;