I have an abstract class which has a method used by all classes that extend the class. That method is identical for each class so I don't want to have to write it over and over in those classes. The problem is that the method uses 2 variables that are declared in each class. I can't have the method in the abstract class without having those variables int eh abstract class. But if I do that, they take on the value specified in the abstract class, not the classes that extend it. How can I fix this?
Example code:
public abstract class Example {
public String property1 = ""
public String property2 = ""
public ArrayList<String> getPropertyies() {
ArrayList<String> propertyList = new ArrayList<>();
return property1;
public class ExampleExtension extends Example {
public String property1 = "this is the property";
public String property2 = "this is the second property";
You should limit the scope of the fields to private
in the abstract class and declare a constructor for populating the values:
public abstract class Example {
private final String property1;
private final String property2;
protected Example(String property1, String property2) {
this.property1 = property1;
this.property2 = property2;
Subclasses would then initialize the field values in their constructors by calling the super
public class ExampleExtension extends Example {
public ExampleExtension() {
super("value1", "value2");
// initialize private fields of ExampleExtension, if any
// ...