I have a custom edit (browser page) for my dexterity content type. In template I have defined a form using Bootstrap and added some Angular JS code for form behavior. It is working. :)
I need to replace a simple textarea with rich text widget. So how can I render in my template the rich text widget (one that is normally used in dexterity)?
If you are using Mockup (not sure if anybody use it on Plone 4) you can find tips there: Obtaining the "default" mockup TinyMCE configuration on Plone 5
Otherwise (the Plone 4.3 version of TinyMCE) it's only a matter of CSS classes and configurations.
<textarea name="..."
class="pat-tinymce mce_editable"
I've an add-ons that enable TinyMCE on simple forms; look at the cose to find how to obtain the JSON configuration: See rt.zptformfield.
I've also a blogpost about the approach I used there but it's in italian :-) - http://blog.redturtle.it/usare-widget-plone-in-semplici-template-html