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how to query many-to-many relationship in same table by redbeanphp?

I have a table named "user" and this table has many to many relation over its own such as favorite action. this means a user can favorite multiple users and can be Favorited by multiple users.

now I want query over this relation and get every users those Favorite a spacial user.

I use this code :

$users = $agent->via($TB_Favorite,"agent_id=? and favorite.action=?", array($userId,FAVORITE_TYPE_USER_FAVORITE))->sharedUsers ;

I debug this code by profiling database and get this result:

            `users`.*  ,
            NULLIF(`favorite`.`users_id`, `users`.id),
            NULLIF(`favorite`.`users2_id`, `users`.id)) AS linked_by
        FROM `favorite`
        INNER JOIN `users` ON
        ( `users`.id = `favorite`.`users2_id` AND `favorite`.`users_id` IN ('13') ) OR
        ( `users`.id = `favorite`.`users_id` AND `favorite`.`users2_id` IN ('13') )

but in this case it must use favorite.agent_id instead favorite.users2_id how can i resolve this problem ?

this is my table diagram : enter image description here

may be this make my position clear.


  • Okay, thanks for the diagram and the additional explanation. So, you want to query the users associated with the favorite activities of a user. Here's one possible solution (tested on an empty db here):

    $x = R::dispense(array(
    '_type' => 'user',
    'name' => 'Q',
    'ownActivity' => array(
             'agent'=> array(
              'agent'=> array(
    $me = R::findOne('user', ' `name` = ? ', array('Q'));
    $favoriteActivities = $me->ownFavoriteList;
    foreach($favoriteActivities as $activity) {
        $agent = $activity->fetchAs('user')->agent;
        $favoriteUsers[$agent->id] = $agent;
        echo $agent->name;