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Virtual Service Accounts programmatic creation/assigning?

We have a requirement to set our products windows service to use a Virtual Service Account. Going to services.msc and enter in the "NT Service\MyServiceName" is not an option for us because we need to do this programatically, from within a script.

So after trying everything under the sun in powershell... i finally broke down and used:

net user NT Service\MyServiceName /ADD /Y

Which is fine, as a workaround, but due to the space in the 'NT Service" it shows up in the users panel as 'NT' and cuts off there. I've tried;

net user 'NT Service\MyServiceName' /ADD /Y
net user "NT Service\MyServiceName" /ADD /Y

Neither work.

Ultimately, i'd love to have a Powershell solution. But if someone has an idea on how to do it with net user, without the name being cut off, i'd LOVE to hear from you.

Microsoft's over-distributed but under-exampled link about VSA's:


  • I don't think you actually ever need to create those virtual service accounts. When the service is installed, a matching account is automatically created/provisioned. You can use the account without creating it first.

    icacls .\file.txt /grant "NT Service\MyService:(M)"


    sc.exe config MyService obj= "NT SERVICE\MyService"

    this is for local service accounts, I haven't done much with them in a domain.