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Using a ViewGroup as a list?

In some situations, it is better to use a ViewGroup to create lists, acting as something similar to a ListView, or RecyclerView.

For example, I have a situation where I need to display a list of items in a ViewGroup which is a child of the root layout. The root layout is scrollable (e.g. a ScrollView or NestedScrollView) so it would be inappropriate to use another scrolling View to display list items.

An example of this could be displaying list items in a CardView (of course in this case, you would not want too many list items as Cards are not meant for this). It would clearly not be right to use a scrolling layout inside your Cards, especially if the Cards are part of a scrolling root layout.

Another example could be creating a Navigation Drawer (of course after Google I/O 2015, there is the Design Support Library, so using a NavigationView would be far simpler and easier). But before the Design Support Library, you had to populate a ViewGroup (likely a LinearLayout with items to display in the Navigation drawer, as the root layout of the drawer had to be scrollable. For more information about this scenario, I asked a similar question.

The point of the question is that there is no simple way to use a ViewGroup as a list layout, so many of us tend to use complicated solutions to disable scrolling on a ListView or RecyclerView. Yes, the scrolling on the ListView can be disabled, but there is usually still a Lint warning. Therefore, using ViewGroup lists can be also thought of as an alternate solution to disabling scrolling on scroll Views.

So is there a simple way to use ViewGroups as lists?


  • Inspired by how Google populated list items in a LinearLayout in a Navigation Drawer, in their 2014 Google I/O app, I created a Gist that can populate list items in a ViewGroup.

    The Gist, titled ViewGroupAdapter, can be found here.

    I will continue to update and improve the Gist, if this solution becomes popular.