I'm trying to replace a Backbone.Marionette App to React and am facing difficulty thinking about query params. I think I'm missing a really simple peace in understanding this pattern so I apologize if this question is totally nonsense. I would appreciate any support or just pointing me to some direction that I can google more specifically.
There's a /users
page which lists users and you can filter the users via search bar. So if you want to filter the users which contain 'joe' in their username, I would make a request to the server with query params like /users?username=joe
. In addition I am able to paginate by adding a page
parameter, too (/users?username=joe&page=1
If I only think about the functionality, the flow would probably be
to the input element and clicks Search.Action
(like Action.getUser).Action
makes a request to the server and receives the resultsDispatcher
dispatches a function with the results payload to whomever (usually the Store
) is interested in the Action
's state changes with the new result received by the Action
) re-renders by listening to the Store
's change.and it works as expected. However, I would like the Client to be able to bookmark the current filtered result and be able to come back to the same page some time later. This means I will need somewhere to save explicit information about the search term the Client made, which is usually the url (am I right?). So I will need to update the url with query parameters to save the search term (/users?username=joe&page=1
What I'm confused is where and when to update the url? What I can come up with right now are the 2 options below - and they don't seem to be clean at all.
to the input element and clicks Search./users?username=joe&page=1
) receives the new params via this.props.params
and this.props.query
) fires an Action
like Action.getUser
depending on the query params it receives - in this case username=joe&page=1
.after this, it is the same as above
to the input element and clicks Search.Action
(like Action.getUser).Action
makes a request to the server and receives the resultsDispatcher
dispatches a function with the results payload to whomever (usually the Store
) is interested in the Action
's state changes with the new result received by the Action
) re-renders by listening to the Store
's change. And somehow (I don't know how, yet) updates its url depending on its props
(like this.props.searchusername
, and this.props.searchpage
)What is the best practice on handling query params? (or this may not be specific to query params) Am I completely misunderstanding the design pattern or architecture? Thanks in advance for any support.
Some articles I've read
Not entirely sure what you mean by
this means I will need to update the url to save the information (/users?username=joe&page=1).
You will probably have a similar structure to this.
TopContainer.jsx -- Users.jsx -- a list of User.jsx
Usually TopContainer will watch all the stores and if anything changed, pass it down to users.jsx. That way in Users.jsx, you can simply render this.props.users without worrying about any reRendering.
The search users actions usually happens in TopContainer's componentWillMount event, and you the page will listen to UserStore. That's a good place to throw in any query params. Something like this would work
componentWillUnmount() {
let searchTerm = router.getCurrentQuery().searchTerm;
The page doesn't really care if the url has a query params or not, it just dumbly shows whatever in the user store.
Then when the search finishes, Users.jsx will be reloaded and show the correct results