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VT-x Not Supported, HAXM cannot be installed

I am trying to install HAXM (recommened by android studio) on my windows10 OS, intel virtual tech is enabled and Hyper-v is unchecked but still, I am unable to resolve this issue that "VT-x is not supported, HAXM cannot be istalled".


  • What kind of hardware do you have? It needs to be "SLAT" compatible.

    The emulator’s Hyper-V requirement requires a processor that supports Second Level Address Translation ( SLAT ) enabled hardware. SLAT support was introduced to Hyper-V circa Windows Server 2008 as a mechanism to reduce overhead during address mapping for virtual machines. Since Hyper-V R2 on Windows 8 requires SLAT hardware, so does the WP8 SDK Emulator.

    There are two methods to check if you have SLAT hardware. The best route is download the SLATStatusCheck tool from CodePlex ( ). This tool runs is a WPF 4.5 app which very simply indicates if you have SLAT compatible hardware or not. The tool is open source if you want to see how to do the checks yourself in code.

    The other route is CoreInfo.exe, a tool available from SysInternals ( ). When you run CoreInfo.exe with a “-v” parameter, you will have a “*” next to the “EPT Supports Intel extended page tables (SLAT)” entry. Note coreinfo must be run in an admin level command prompt.

    CoreInfo can sometimes lie! If you’ve already got Hyper-V running, it may erroneously return a “false negative” on the slat capabilities. CoreInfo even tells you this in a screen entry (which I overlooked) – “Note: CoreInfo must be executed on a system without a hypervisor running for accurate results”. Note that SLATStatusCheck returns the correct results regardless of whether Hyper-V is running or not. The screen show below shows a false SLAT result off my Samsung Series 9 .


    Post back with a status.. Healy in Tampa