I have a flask project, everything appears to be working fine. When using py2exe to build the package, (target server is a windows server ugh), the executable can execute, but leaves me with a ImportError: No module named 'jinja2.ext'
I have the module, and the website works fine with no ImportError when not executing from the .exe
I am pretty new at packaging and delivering, and not sure whats wrong with the setup that is causing the break from .py -> .exe conversion.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import py2exe
NAME = "WorkgroupDashboard"
VERSION = "1.0"
description="Provides real time ISIS connection data",
# Get strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers
author="Test User",
packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup', 'examples', 'tests']),
'flask >= 0.10.1',
The idea is in order to turn the server on, just execute the .exe. Server will not have python on it. I am using Python 3.4 64 bit.
Edit: build cmd = python setup.py py2exe
Figured it out it seems, Setup commands go inside the py2exe optuons=[]
Working Setup.py
__author__ = ''
import sys
from glob import glob # glob will help us search for files based on their extension or filename.
from distutils.core import setup # distutils sends the data py2exe uses to know which file compile
import py2exe
data_files = []
console=['DashboardBack.py'], # 'windows' means it's a GUI, 'console' It's a console program, 'service' a Windows' service, 'com_server' is for a COM server
# You can add more and py2exe will compile them separately.
options={ # This is the list of options each module has, for example py2exe, but for example, PyQt or django could also contain specific options
'py2exe': {
'dist_dir': 'dist/test', # The output folder
'compressed': True, # If you want the program to be compressed to be as small as possible
'includes':['os', 'logging', 'yaml', 'flask', 'sqlalchemy'], # All the modules you need to be included, because py2exe guesses which modules are being used by the file we want to compile, but not the imports
data_files=data_files # Finally, pass the