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How do I ask the user for a file name?

Searching for the call of a FileDialog

I would like to ask the user for a file name in Pharo 4.0

Through the spotter I found class


with a method


Looking for the senders of #answerFileName I get to class


where it is called in the method

  chooseFileNameIn: aThemedMorph 
  title: title 
  extensions: exts 
  path: path preview: preview

And from there I come to class


with the method

 chooseFileName: title extensions: exts path: path preview: preview

From there finally I get to class

  WidgetExamples class >> exampleDialogs

And then I have the call

WidgetExamples exampleBuilder 
chooseFileName: 'Pick a file name' 
extensions: nil path: nil preview: nil.

However a print it of this expression does not give back a file name.


What is the regular way of calling a file dialog?

Supplementary question after answers

Two classes are mentioned providing this service.

  • UIManager
  • UITheme

UIManager comment

UIManager is a dispatcher for various UI requests.

UITheme comment

Common superclass for User Interface themes. Provides methods for creating new morphs in a standard way, various "services" like a file dialog, message dialogs etc. and also methods for customising aspects of the appearance of various morphs. Though conceptually abstract, no code is "missing". Subclasses, therefore, should override the aspects they wish to change.

What is the difference between this two approaches?


  • The easiest way is to use:

    UIManager default chooseFileMatching: nil

    You can specify patterns as:

    UIManager default chooseFileMatching: #('*.jpg' '*.png')

    You can also specify a label for the dialog:

    UIManager default
        chooseFileMatching: #('*.jpg' '*.png')
        label: 'Please select and image to process'