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How to compare integer count with for-each counter in WSO2 BPS BPEL

I found problem to compare result of count function with for-each counter. I have input XML with multiple elements. I get count($PartnerLink1Response.return/Body/Object) at the start into unsignedInt variable which returns


This value I want to compare inside ForEach loop with loop variable Counter which is unsignedInt too but it returns value

<tns:result xmlns:tns="">2</tns:result>  

This two values in If condition never match. How to compare this two values to match.

I am using WSO2 BPS 3.2.0


  • I found that although you cannot compare

    count($Response2.return/Body/Object) = $Counter


    count($Response2.return/Body/Object) - $Counter = 0  
