I have a vector
a <- c("there and", "walk and", "and see", "go there", "was i", "and see",
"i walk", "to go", "to was")
and a data frame bg where
bg <- data.frame(term=c("there and", "walk and", "and see", "go there", "was i", "and see",
"i walk", "to go", "to was"), freq=c(1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1))
I need to create a vectorized version for the following code using either sapply,tapply, or vapply or apply etc
d <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(a)){
temp <- filter(bg,term==a[i])
d <- rbind(d,temp)
The need is search the bg data when term==a[i]
and create a data frame d
I need a vector version as for loops are excruciatingly slow in R.
Here is the sample data
> bg
term freq
1 there and 1
2 walk and 1
3 and see 2
4 go there 1
5 was i 1
6 and see 2
7 i walk 1
8 to go 1
9 to was 1
term freq
1 there and 1
2 walk and 1
3 and see 2
4 and see 2
5 go there 1
6 was i 1
7 and see 2
8 and see 2
9 i walk 1
10 to go 1
11 to was 1
This essentially becomes a merge
operation, with a little twist to make sure that the row order follows the order in a
out <- merge(bg, list(term=a, sortid=seq_along(a)), by="term")
# term freq sortid
#7 there and 1 1
#10 walk and 1 2
#1 and see 2 3
#3 and see 2 3
#5 go there 1 4
#11 was i 1 5
#2 and see 2 6
#4 and see 2 6
#6 i walk 1 7
#8 to go 1 8
#9 to was 1 9
Or in data.table
1.9.5, with a nod to @akrun:
out <- data.table(term=a, sortid=seq_along(a))[setDT(bg), on='term']
Or in dplyr
left_join(data.frame(term=a), bg)