I would like to check if a particular class has been loaded.
Smalltalk at: #TabularXSLXExport ifNone: [ ]
This does not lead to a result in Pharo. How do I do this?
I think the method you're looking for is #at:ifAbsent:
(not #at:ifNone:
So, inspecting the result of
Smalltalk at: #String ifAbsent: [ nil ]
will let you inspect the String
class, while
Smalltalk at: #Strign ifAbsent: [ nil ]
will open an inspector on nil
(note that "Strign" is a deliberate misspelling of "String" so that the lookup fails).
Edit: As Max Leske points out in the comments, #hasClassNamed:
is a more suitable method if you're just trying to determine whether the class exists, and not interested in the class itself being returned.