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change tooltip class dynamically with angular ui tooltip

I am trying to change custom class on model change for angular ui tooltip.

This is what I am trying to achieve

  • if nothing is entered in text box, (when I focus) then it should show default tooltip as "required"
  • if I write something (that changes model's value), so it should change the tooltip text with new customClass

With my current implementation, it changes text but customClass gets applied only when I blur and focus again on text box.

I understand when it re-render the tooltip, it picks up new value of model and apply customClass

but in this case, how can I call tooltip's recreate method to re-render it on model change?

here is the code


  • You can always force the refresh programmatically. Add $timeout *) to the controller and implement a function like this :

    app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', function($scope, $timeout) {
      $scope.emailValue = '';
      $scope.evalToolTip = function() {
        var email = document.getElementById('email');
        $timeout(function() {

    add a ng-keydown that triggers the above evalToolTip() function :

    <input ng-keydown="evalToolTip()" id="email" name="email" type="text" ng-model="emailValue" tooltip="{{ emailValue === ''? 'required': 'pattern error'}}" tooltip-trigger="focus" tooltip-placement="bottom" class="form-control" tooltip-append-to-body="true" tooltip-class="{{ emailValue === ''? '': 'customClass'}}" />

    forked plnkr ->

    *) without $timeout we are in risk of simultaneity errors.