I was wondering if any of you could help my with this. I've download & install the plugin Max Mega Menu but nothing appear. I follow each of their step on the plugin docs but what ever I do my menu stay the same. The plugin is suppose to overright wordpress' default setting ( which in my case is not true ) and it seems like I'm the only one with this problem since every issues I saw is for customization problem ( responsive, more buttons, etc ).
Forgot to update my post. My problem seems to be resolved. Can't remember exactly what it was be I think it had something to do with the way I used wp_nav_menu.
I successfully configured Max Mega Menu at this site, please follow the steps below to configure in your website
Download the plugin and/or install it from you WP-Dashboard
Go to Dashboard->Appearance->Editor->header.php and find following line of code with 'theme_location' => 'primary'
Replacing primary menu php with Max Mega Menu php
Comment this line <?php ..'theme_location' => 'primary'....?>
and paste <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>
exactly at the same position
Now go to Dashboard->Appearance->Max Mega Menu Settings (at the
left side of Dashboard) and click the enable button
Voila!! you too have successfully configured Max Mega Menu in your WP-Theme
Note:- Please do not forget to flush the cache or simply you can reload your page with http://www.yourwebsite.com?=anything and get fresh one
For more information on how to configure Max Mega Menu please have to look at this documentation