I want to name files with values stored in an array.
I have a folder with some .xml files in. I have processed the files with MSXSL, and have written the output files to an output folder.
I want to name the output files with the same name as the original files. However at the moment my script is calling the files [0].xml
, [1].xml
, [2].xml
, etc.
Here is my script so far:
[array]$files = Get-ChildItem c:\powershell\ -Filter *.xml
[array]$names = Get-ChildItem c:\powershell\ -Filter *.xml | Select-Object Name
$current = 0
foreach ($file in $files) {
c:\powershell\msxsl.exe $files[$current] transform.xslt -o c:\powershell\output\$names[$current].xml
$current ++
I am obviously messing up the main line of my for loop.
takes the -o
switch, which names the output file. I have tried to reference elements of my $names
array but it isn't working.
There's no reason to maintain 2 arrays, nor incrementing the counter manually.
For the orignal file path, use the FullName
property, and for the name alone, use Name
$files = Get-ChildItem c:\powershell\ -Filter *.xml
foreach ($file in $files) {
c:\powershell\msxsl.exe $file.FullName transform.xslt -o $(Join-Path 'c:\powershell\output' $file.Name)