Search code examples

Query for particular integer value from multiple columns with number datatype

I try to search a number from multiple columns (datatype number), but get ORA-01722: invalid number error.

My Query:

WHERE 1481125 IN (select column_name
                    from all_tab_columns
                   where table_name = 'CAMPAIGN'
                     AND data_type = 'NUMBER');

What is wrong with it?


  • You are comparing your number 1481125 with the names of the each column, not the values of each column in your table.

    To go from a column's name (from dba_tab_columns) to the values in that column, you need to use some form of dynamic SQL. Here's a relatively simple example:

      -- Since I don't have your CAMPAIGN table or data, I'm using DBA_OBJECTS in it's place.
      l_table_name      VARCHAR2 (30) := 'DBA_OBJECTS';
      l_search_number   NUMBER := 20;                                                             -- 1481125 in your example
      l_record          dba_objects%ROWTYPE;
      l_sql             VARCHAR2 (32000);
      l_column_number   NUMBER := 0;
      l_cur             SYS_REFCURSOR;
      -- First: build dynamic SQL statement of the form:
      -- SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE
      -- ( ( col_name_a = 20 ) OR ( col_name_b = 20 ) OR ... )
      l_sql   := 'SELECT * FROM dba_objects WHERE ( ';
      FOR r_number_column IN (SELECT column_name
                              FROM   dba_tab_columns
                              WHERE  table_name = l_table_name
                              AND    data_type = 'NUMBER'
                              ORDER BY column_id) LOOP
        IF l_column_number > 0 THEN
          l_sql   := l_sql || ' OR ';
        END IF;
        l_column_number   := l_column_number + 1;
        l_sql             := l_sql || '(' || r_number_column.column_name || ' = ' || l_search_number || ')';
      END LOOP;
      IF l_column_number = 0 THEN
        -- No number columns in table, so there should be no matches
        l_sql   := l_sql || ' 1=0';
      END IF;
      l_sql   := l_sql || ')';
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_sql);
      OPEN l_cur FOR l_sql;
        FETCH l_cur INTO   l_record;
        EXIT WHEN l_cur%NOTFOUND;
        DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Object Name ' || l_record.object_name || ' has search number ' || l_search_number);
      END LOOP;