With the Eclipse development tools for SAPUI5 it is possible to run a SAPUI5 app in WebApp preview mode. It's working fine expect one point.
The client data used in OData service is always "100" by default. I assume the used client is the one used for repository setup.
But for testing I have to use a different client (200) because of maintained test data.
Since SAPUI5 1.26.9 and corresponding development tools it seems to work, defining a default client at SAP NetWeaver Gateway but after an upgrade to 1.28.x most of the time client 100 is used.
Now I am searching the documentation for that problem but can't find anything. One problem of course would be to that the search term "client" will not help at all.
I would also aviod to hard code any client number somewhere because at the real system the logged in client will be used automatically.
But in the WebApp preview I will not be asked for a client.
Maybe this is the wrong place to ask this question? In that case I will delete it.
Can you have a parameter in the URL and link that to retrieving your serviceUrl?
Maybe you can have a URL parameter and based on that you can 2 service URL's one with hard-coded value of client 200 and other without anything.
You can retrieve the parameter:
jQuery.sap.getUriParameters().get("test-mode") === "true";
To hard code the client in OData service definition:
var sUrl = "proxy/protocol/server:port/pathToService?sap-client=600";
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(sUrl,true)