Seems -u doesn't work on for me ( I am using scons-2.3.6).
To simplify the context, you can imagine my project structure like,
- bar.vcxproj (generated vs project)
Inside SConstruct, I have put code like:
env_base = Environment()
env_base.StaticLibrary(target = 'bar', source = ['bar.c'])
If I execute command "scons" in root folder, everything works perfectly.
But If I execute command "scons -u" in project folder, scons can find my SConstruct up in root folder, but no file get compiled.
BTW : The reason for me to execute "scons -u" in project folder is because I want to put the generated vsproj in projet folder and use BuildCommandLine to compile the project.
I guess I didn't use "-u" correctly, what will be the elegant solution for my situation?
1st edit:
As bdbaddog asked, I have put the SConstruct here:
def BuildConfig(env, config):
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W 4')
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/WX')
if config == "debug":
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/DEBUG')
#env.Append(CCFLAGS = '-Zi /Fd${TARGET}.pdb')
env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Z7')
elif config == "release":
env_base = Environment()
lib = env_base.StaticLibrary(target = 'bar', source = ['bar.c'])
opts.Add('target', 'Compile Target (debug/release).', "debug")
# there is more in my project....
opts.Update(env_base) # update environment
# here I want to use my own command to build the project, so it can support different build option that is defined by me.
env_base['MSVSBUILDCOM'] = "scons -u target=$(Configuration)"
target = env_base["target"]
BuildConfig(env_base, env_base['target'])
env_base.MSVSProject(target = "project\\bar" + env_base['MSVSPROJECTSUFFIX'],
srcs = ["..\\bar.c"],
incs = [],
localincs = "",
resources = "",
misc = "",
buildtarget = lib,
variant = ['debug'],
SCons only builds files under the current directory by default.
If you you wanted to only build files in a certain directory (for which there are rules that build the targets there), you can invoke SCons as follows:
scons the_target_directory_I_want_to_build
Though this may cause sources for targets in that directory to also be built.