I was using an mxml class but since i need to pass some properties at construction time, to make it easier i will convert it to as3 code.
The class is RectangleShape and it just draws a rectangle.
Original mxml working
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<BaseShape name="rectangle"
import org.edorado.edoboard.view.components.shapes.IShape;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
override public function drag(movePt:Point):void {
this.width = movePt.x - this.x;
this.height = movePt.y - this.y;
override public function updateFillColor(color:int):void {
solidFill.color = color;
<degrafa:Surface >
<degrafa:GeometryGroup id="geo">
<degrafa:SolidFill id="solidFill" color="white" alpha="0.3"/>
<degrafa:SolidStroke id="stroke1" color="white"/>
fill = "{solidFill}"
stroke="{stroke1}" />
My attempt to AS3
package org.edorado.edoboard.view.components.shapes { import com.degrafa.geometry.RegularRectangle; import com.degrafa.paint.SolidFill; import com.degrafa.paint.SolidStroke; import com.degrafa.GeometryGroup; import com.degrafa.Surface; import flash.geom.Point;
public class RectangleShape extends BaseShape
public var surface:Surface = new Surface();
public var geoGroup:GeometryGroup = new GeometryGroup();
public var solidFill:SolidFill = new SolidFill("white");
public var solidStroke:SolidStroke = new SolidStroke("black");
public var rect:RegularRectangle = new RegularRectangle();
public static const name:String = "rectangle";
public function RectangleShape() {
solidFill.alpha = 0.3;
rect.fill = solidFill;
rect.stroke = solidStroke;
rect.width = this.width;
rect.height = this.height;
geoGroup.geometry = [rect];
geoGroup.draw(null, null);
override public function drag(movePt:Point):void {
this.width = movePt.x - this.x;
this.height = movePt.y - this.y;
trace('dragging ', this.width, this.height);
override public function updateFillColor(color:int):void {
solidFill.color = color;
The problem is that the shape is not drawing anymore, the BaseShape container is there and i can see the trace drag working but not the rectangle anymore.
Any obvious stuff i missed ? Thanks
Try setting up the bindings with the BindingUtils class.
For example:
BindingUtils.bindProperty(component, "height", this, "height");