I want know how the operator precedence works on below code.
public class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a=0,b;
b= a++ + ++a * ++a;
System.out.println(a+" "+b);
i got 3 6 as out put......But I din't understand how it works. can anyone explain how it works.
a++ means that a is incremented after evaluation
++a means that a is incremented before evaluation
a is incremented three times in total, so its value is 3 after the expression is computed.
b= a++ + ++a * ++a;
means that a is evaluated (0), then incremented, this (0) is added to the result of ++a * ++a
, which means that the left part is 2 (because a, which is 1 from before, is incremented before evaluation, thus is evaluated as 2), and the right part is 3 (a was 2, and is incremented before evaluation, so it evaluated as 3). Thus the result of the expression is 2 * 3 = 6.
To explain these incrementations a bit better:
x = ++a;
is like a = a + 1; x = a;
x = a++;
is like x = a; a = a + 1;