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curl command not executing via shell script in bash

I'm learning shell scripting! for the same I've tried downloading the facebook page using curl on ubuntu terminal. content

vi@vi-Dell-7537(Desktop) $ cat 
curlCmd="curl \"\""
echo $curlCmd
($curlCmd) > ~/Desktop/fb.html

Getting error when running the script as

vi@vi-Dell-7537(Desktop) $ ./ 
curl ""
curl: (1) Protocol "https not supported or disabled in libcurl

But if the run the command directly then it is working fine.

vi@vi-Dell-7537(Desktop) $ curl ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="hi" id="facebook" class="no_js">
<head><meta chars.....

I will appreciate if anyone let me know the mistake I am doing in the script.

I've verified that curl library have ssl enabled.


  • A command embedded within a parenthesis runs as a sub-shell so your environment variables will be missing.

    Try eval:

    curlCmd="curl '' > ~/Desktop/fb.html"
    eval $curlCmd