I'm new to GUI's and I'm trying to make the user's choice in a combobox change the outcome of my program.
Here's my Combobox:
self.popupItems1 = ("Option 1","Option 2")
self.popup1 = QtGui.QComboBox(self)
self.popup1.setCurrentIndex(self.popupItems1.index("Option 1"))
self.popup1.move(10, 220)
I've done quite a lot of research but I can't seem to to figure this out, I'm guessing I should use something like this?
if self.popupItems1 == 'Option 1':
Thank you in advance for any help!
To get the currently selected text in a QComboBox use the method currentText()
, and if you want to get the index then use the method currentIndex()
For example if your QComboBox is referenced by self.popup1
then to get the selected text use :
text = self.popup1.currentText()
You can also get the index using the other method.
What you are looking for might be this :
if self.popup1.currentIndex() == 0 : # The first option
else : # Any other option
For more informations check the documentation of QComboBox.