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Retrieve HR-bpm with Google-Fit sensor api

I am using an external device which is suppose to send TYPE_HEART_RATE_BPM to the SENSORS_API. I can retrieve steps with this code:


mClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(ApLifeAid.getAppContext())
            .addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_ACTIVITY_READ))
            .addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_ACTIVITY_READ_WRITE))


SensorRequest request = new SensorRequest.Builder()
            .setSamplingRate(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

And then using Fitness.SensorsApi.add(mClient, request, this);. In this case this is a class dedicated for sensor api in a service.

But I can't seem to get any values at all, onDataPoint() does not run, when I change my request to:

SensorRequest request = new SensorRequest.Builder()
            .setSamplingRate(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

If anybody knows what the problem is please tell me. And if you can see anything else that is weird in my code please tell me that too.



  • I found a solution. Apparently I need to find and then register the source I want the data to come from.

    so I still use the "same" construction of the client, requests etc. but instead of using SensorsApi.add I use findDataSources. (Also, FITNESS_BODY_READ seemed more accurate and works well)

    private void buildSensors() {
        mClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(ApLifeAid.getAppContext())
                .addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_BODY_READ))
                .addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_ACTIVITY_READ))
        DataSourcesRequest dataSourcesRequest = new DataSourcesRequest.Builder()
                .setDataSourceTypes(DataSource.TYPE_RAW) // data type, raw or derived?
        Fitness.SensorsApi.findDataSources(mClient, dataSourcesRequest).setResultCallback(this);

    The setResultCallback(this) then calls the following where I find an eligible source and add a listener and a sampling rate for it.

    public void onResult(DataSourcesResult dataSourcesResult) {
        // On New Source Result
        for (final DataSource dataSource : dataSourcesResult.getDataSources()) {
            // Request updates from this source, samplingRate
            SensorRequest sensorRequest = new SensorRequest.Builder()
                    .setDataSource(dataSource) // Optional but recommended for custom data sets.
                    .setDataType(dataSource.getDataType()) // Can't be omitted.
                    .setSamplingRate(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
            Log.i(TAG, "Fitness.SensorsApi.add for " + dataSource.toString() + " and type " + dataSource.getDataType().getName());
            Fitness.SensorsApi.add(mClient, sensorRequest, this)
                    //Can be removed later
                    .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
                        public void onResult(Status status) { // This might be important later on "Cannot register listener to source"
                            if (status.isSuccess()) {
                                Log.i(TAG, "Listener registered!");
                            } else {
                                Log.e(TAG, "Unable to register listener for source: " + dataSource.toString());

    This is now the simplest and cleanest way of reading heart rate that I've found ;)