Search code examples

Count frequencies and add a total sum

I have a large data.frame containing these values:

ID_Path    Conversion    Lead    Path    Week
32342      A25177        1       JEFD    2015-25
32528      A25177        1       EUFD    2015-25
25485      A3            1       DTFE    2015-25
32528      Null          0       DDFE    2015-25
23452      A25177        1       JDDD    2015-26
54454      A25177        1       FDFF    2015-27
56848      A2323         1       HDG     2015-27

I want to be able to create a frequency table that displays a table like this:

Week       Total    A25177    A3    A2323
2015-25    3        2         1     0
2015-26    1        1         0     0
2015-27    2        1         0     1

Where every unique Conversion has a column, and all the times where the Conversion is Null is the same time as when the Lead is 0. In this example there is 3 unique conversions, sometimes there is 1, sometimes there are 5 or more. So it should not be limited to only 3.

I have created a new DF containing only Conversion that are not Null I have tried using data.table with this code:


with no luck.

I have tried using plyr with this code:


with no luck.


  • I would recommend dropping unnecessary levels in order to not mess the output, and then run a simple table and addmargins combination

    DF <- droplevels(DF[DF$Conversion != "Null",])
    addmargins(table(DF[c("Week", "Conversion")]), 2)
    # Conversion
    # Week      A2323 A25177 A3 Sum
    #   2015-25     0      2  1   3
    #   2015-26     0      1  0   1
    #   2015-27     1      1  0   2

    Alternatively, you could do the same with reshape2 while specifying the margins parameter

    dcast(DF, Week ~ Conversion, value.var = "Conversion", length, margins = "Conversion")
    #      Week A2323 A25177 A3 (all)
    # 1 2015-25     0      2  1     3
    # 2 2015-26     0      1  0     1
    # 3 2015-27     1      1  0     2