I am trying to add
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="WcGeoFJE8eKgXlxMoHRDpJz1bpPFMGh25PK8M-eDlAw" />
to the section within my layout.twig . I've saved the file and uploaded it to the development version of the web site. But this HTML isn't being included.
All the other entries within the section are Twig codes. Not HTML. I am unsure if I have a cache issue and the revised version of my layout.twig isn't being loaded or if there is some Twig code I should be using for this tag?
Instead of modify the code of your application, I suggest you to proceed to the site verification with the Google file HTML verification procedure.
Simply add the Google files in the web root folder of the project, as example:
And commit with your source file. In this manner the deploy procedure don't remove your files.
Another good practice, as suggested by @ Pazi ツ is to act with the DNS configuration (this require you can manage the DNS site configuration).
Hope this help